Research Papers Track

Important dates

Abstract: Oct. 9 Oct. 16, 2020

Deadline: Oct. 16 Oct. 23, 2020


The research papers track is open to research contributions. Papers submitted in this track will be thoroughly reviewed for novelty, relevance, technical quality and scientific soundness by the members of the research track program committee.

Submission deadlines are listed on the important dates page.

Submissions are made via Easychair and must be in the standard ACM format for conference proceedings. Papers must not exceed 12 pages double column including figures, tables, and references.

Authors will be requested to self-classify their papers according to the provided topic areas when submitting their papers.

The program committee may decide to accept a submission as a short paper (8 pages) if it is seen as a valuable contribution to the research track but not ready to be accepted as a full paper.

Authors of accepted full research papers are invited to submit an artifact to the ACM/SPEC ICPE 2021 Artifact Track.

The highest quality papers, judged by multiple relevant factors, will be recognized with an award. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to a journal.

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